Tour De Planners Reviews & Complaints
By: Ali Rizwan Saghar
Contact information:
Tour De Planners Lahore
It is about the travel agency, named as “Tour De Planners”, I have paid them for Umrah Visas for my parents in Shawa’l on 29th April’23 upon their confirmation that they will arrange the visa even I got the news from some other source that VISAs are already closed by Saudi Govt, I double checked with @TourDaPlanners (Mr. Aadil Azim Kiani & his assistant Mr. Ahmed) and they confirmed that they will arrange the visa without any single issue, even we agreed with them on the air ticket – dates, hotel & transport arrangement …. But after continuous follow-up of two weeks, we finally came to know that VISAs can’t be processed due to HAJJ processing …. Allah Kareem !! It’s Okay, no worries that was by the WILL of Almighty Allah,
but since that day I am chasing these people to refund my money which I have paid them for VISA processing and yet they are FAILED to return my FULL amount, its more than a month & half that I am having regular GOLLIYAN from them “Aj sham tak ho jay gi payment, abi Saudia sy payment nahi ai, aj cheque aya ha Saudia sy kaal sham tak ho jay gi, Aik week ka time dy dain, Agly Monday paka ho jaye gi, main stairs sy gir gaya tha my ribs were broken, my stomach was upset, my brother got heart attack, main aik hafty sy hospital main hon and so many more …..” but yes payment is still pending even I have visited their office last Saturday (10/6/23) @Model Town Link Road, Zainab Tower, 1st floor and the guy Ahmed promised to refund by Monday (12/6/23), nothing happened and even NO ONE RESPONDING the calls and now its 20/6/23
Contact Details of Owner: 0321-4455576
How to file a complaint against Tour De Planners?
* Go to page
* Write Tour De Planners in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Tour De Planners.