TCS Reviews & Complaints
By: Asad
Contact information:
TCS Lahore
Dear Concern,
Bank Alfalah sent my wife’s Debit Card & the delivery boy from TCS (named Muein Ali) did not handed over her Debit Card to me. I said him that I am her husband to whom this Debit Card concerned. After verifivcation from my ID card he did not gave me the Debit Card & said that contact with concerned bank. Whereas the bank officer said me that husband can receive the Debit Card.
Kindly take action against the delivery boy named Muein Ali (contact # 0309-7606685)
Asad Aslam
How to file a complaint against TCS?
* Go to page
* Write TCS in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from TCS.