TCS local office Pir mahal postel 36300 / Tcs parcel not delivered away 5 minutes ride and returned with out inform,any notification

TCS local office Pir mahal postel 36300 Reviews & Complaints

By: Zubair zafar

Contact information:
TCS local office Pir mahal postel 36300 Pirmahal

Subject: Complaint about Local TCS Courier Office in Pir Mahal postel 36300
Dear Sir,
I am writing for bring your attention to a serious issue I encountered with the local TCS Courier office in Pir Mahal.
I had recently ordered a product which was shipped to me via your courier service. However, I was extremely disappointed to learn that my order was returned from the local TCS Courier office which is located in my hometown Pir Mahal and just 5 minutes away from my house without any notification from their team to inform me about the arrival of my order. As a result, I was not able to receive my order in a timely manner and it caused a lot of inconvenience.
I believe it is the responsibility of the local TCS Courier office to notify customers when their orders have arrived and make arrangements for timely delivery. However, the team at the local office failed to do so and showed a complete lack of professionalism in handling my order.
As a valued customer of your courier service, I expect the highest level of service from your team, including your local offices. However, the lack of communication and negligence shown by the local TCS Courier office in Pir Mahal has left me disappointed and dissatisfied.
I request you to kindly investigate this matter and take appropriate action against the local TCS Courier office to ensure that such incidents do not happen again in the future. Your prompt action in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
[Mr zubair zafar]

How to file a complaint against TCS local office Pir mahal postel 36300?

* Go to page
* Write TCS local office Pir mahal postel 36300 in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from TCS local office Pir mahal postel 36300.

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