SNGPL Reviews & Complaints

By: Muhammad Ashraf

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Respected Sir, I submitted an application to the General Manager, SNGPL, Faisalabad to adjust my domestic Sui Gas Bill which was charged @ Rs.6040/- for the Month of May/2016. I despatched my self-explanatory application on 25.06.2015 to the concerned quarter but no response so far. I hereby reproduce copy of my application for your kind perusal and action please:-
The General Manager,
Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited,
Sargodha Road,

CONSUMER NO. 44963422868

Respected Sir,

I am a retired pension of the Pakistan Air Force residing at House No. 515, St.# 15, Housing Colony Toba Tek Singh where domestic Sui Gas Meter bearing Consumer No. 44963422868 is installed on my residence. It was Jan-Feb/2016 when I received an excessive bill with annotation “STICKY METER”. I reported the matter to the local Sui Gas Office, Toba Tek Singh for change / repair of my meter on priority basis and made the payment of bill excess bill accordingly. The sui gas meter was replaced with a new one within 2/3 weeks by the office of SNGPL.

I have now received bill for May/2016 amounting to Rs.6040/- for my above said domestic gas connection which includes Rs.5610/- under the column “REBATE/ADJUSTMENT”. This bill was delivered at my residence on 19.06.2016, the Sui Gas as office was contacted on 20.06.2016 for solution of my query and the last date of payment was 21.06.2016. The situation was awful for me because the concerned SNGPL Office Toba simply explained that your Meter was replaced for which Rs.5610/- has been charged from you as the meter was faulty. It is not understood as to how the meter became sticky because it was installed outside on the front wall of my house. I do not understand as to what kind of business had I to do with this Meter that it became faulty/sticky.

Your Honour, Consequently, I was left with no choice except for making its payment amounting to Rs.6040/-.The existing excessive bill (levying Rs.5610/- as “Rebate/ Adjustment”) is an attempt of snatching the loaf of bread from the family of a hands-to-mouth poor pensioner. The SNGPL has dragged me to the financial hardships because I am a retired person with meager monthly pension. Due to shortage of time, it was not advisable to report the matter to your good office at Faisalabad for correction of my Sui Gas Bill because the Last Payment Date was 21.06.2016 failing which I was supposed to pay Rs.6640/- which could have resulted into my death.

Your Honour, The Sui Gas meter, which became “STICKY”, was installed at my residence long ago which may have sustained wear / tear of inside machinery for which the consumer can not be blamed under any circumstances. But in my case Rs.5610/- have been charged from me for the change of Sticky Meter which is not in order.

Your Honour, My Sui Gas Meter was suspected as “STICKY METER” by the SNGPL staff which should have been made ”OPERATIVE” or “CHANGED” with a serviceable ones on the spot without waiting for a written complaint from the consumer. When such things go on, the consumers sustain heavy financial loss because the consumer generally thinks that the Sui Gas Meter, whether serviceable or faulty, is the exclusive property of the SNGPL (though its cost is initially recovered from the consumer through the Demand Notice) which is true. Generally, when there occurs wear / tear inside the Meter and it stops working, should the consumer is made responsible and charged for such loss.

Your Honour, I am a law abiding gentleman. I preferred to make payment of Rs.6040/- of my sui gas bill instead of becoming a defaulter of the esteemed SNGPL. Photo Copy of my ‘PAID BILL” is attached for your kind perusal please. In the light of aforesaid circumstances, I make the following humble pray before your kind honour for providing me relief against the heavy surcharge of Rs.5610/- :-


It is therefore, humbly prayed that:-

(i) The over charged amount of Rs.5610/- through the Bill of May/2016 (total amounting to Rs.6040/-) under “REBATE/ADJUSTMENT” is unjust and required to be re-paid to me as I have already paid the total bill on 21.06.2016. It is further explained that the sui gas meter was installed on my house with which no one has to do any business. It was neither broken nor damaged at the time when declared “STICKY METER” and at the time of replacement with the serviceable ones. Then over-charging of Rs.5610/- from a poor pensioner highly claims to look into the matter and waive off the over-charging of Rs.5610/-. It may also be taken into consideration that the STICKY METER was safely removed by the Technician of SNGPL Office Toba Tek Singh in my presence who did not identify any damage or breakage on the spot.

(ii) Your Honour, I was left with no choice except to pay the sui gas bill for Rs.6040/- because 21.06.2016 was the last date of payment and I preferred to make payment well in time to save my skin from further fine. In this way, I paid Rs.6040/- for my domestic sui gas meter for the month of May/2016 well in time instead of becoming defaulter of the SNGPL. Photocopy of Sui Gas Bill is attached.

(iii) It is therefore, earnestly, prayed that the excess paid bill amounting to Rs.5610/- (for May/2016) may very kindly be refunded to me or adjusted in my future sui gas bills.

I shall be highly thankful to your kindness for this help.

With profound regards,
Yours sincerely,

S/o Muhammad Sharif,
House No. 515, St. No. 15,
Housing Colony, Toba Tek Singh
Mob. No. 0332-7093073
Dated: 23rd June, 2016
CONSUMER NO. 44963422868

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