Paywao paid ads package / do not active paywao paid ads package (i have pay Rs.5000/- )

paywao paid ads package Reviews & Complaints

By: Muhammad Zahid

Contact information:
paywao paid ads package Karachi

i have pay Rs.5000/- but do not active paywao paid ads package

my name Muhammad Zahid my contact no 0301-2565936 i have paywao cline many years.
I have pay amount Rs.5000/- for paywao paid ads package 21 April 2020 but do not open my paid ads packages.
i pay Rs.5000/- jazz cash numbner 0303-5596239 (Mr.Mubshar Iqbal)
Mr. Mubshar Iqbal say send me more rupees Rs.850/- my teem fee then i will active you paywao paid ads packages.

Mr.Mubshar Iqbal whatsApp and Jazz cash number
jazzcash # 0303-5596239

please solve my theses issue

Muhammad Zahid

3 thoughts on “Paywao paid ads package / do not active paywao paid ads package (i have pay Rs.5000/- )”

  1. jabbar ahmed

    I have paid 2 dollar I have received tid I inter tid but not verified some hour pls guide me

  2. Muhammdsagheer

    My name Muhammad sagheer 283 sending but paywao not working please help me and guidance

  3. Muhammad Ahmed Yousuf

    My Name is Muhammad Ahmed Yousuf.i have paywao client befor 5 month.Yesterday i am enter in stage 2 auto pool and i paid 10$.i make our account from this reffral id 321858 but this id has not upgrade our account.when i upgrade our account auto pool stage 2 this reffral id 321858 he says me error because this id 321858 is not upgrade in auto pool.Then i put reffral id 300 and upgrade our account auto pool stage 2.Now my account in stage 2 and i am not earning any money in stage 2 but why?
    You says me for daily earning once your account upgrade in auto pool.

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