Naeem electronic / Behavior very bad

Naeem electronic Reviews & Complaints

By: Awais

Contact information:
Naeem electronic Faisalabad styana road Branch

The service of Naeem Electronics is very bad. I went to the office to get the mobile phone. They said they accepted all their conditions. The mobile phone will be received tomorrow. When I called tomorrow, they said we need two installments in advance. I also gave them. Today will be 7 days. They used to call around there and say today if you want to get your money back then take it, otherwise go, there is no mobile phone. My advice to everyone is this, never take any items from the service of Naeem Electronics, apart from the service, the staff is also very dirty.


How to file a complaint against Naeem electronic?

* Go to page
* Write Naeem electronic in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Naeem electronic.

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