MediCenter / Sale of Expired Medicine

MediCenter Reviews & Complaints

By: Sara Walji

Contact information:

Dear Sir,
This is to bring to your kind attention that a Hospital Pharmacy in Karachi by the name of MediCenter Pharmacy is selling expired medicines to patients. The pharmacy is located in PECHS Block 2 (complete address: 78/L Ghazali Road, P.E.C.H.S., Block-2, Near Noorani Kabab, Behind Khalid-bin-Waleed Road, Near Al-Falah, Masjid, Karachi, Ph: 021-34527636 Email:
2. I bought Avabon D (Batch No. 405015) on 5th March 2018 (Receipt number 10087) from MediCenter. The medicine was three (3) months expired. When confronted they said it came accidentally and it was refund material and was not on the stock. (Available and will be sent on request).
3. I previously wrote a complaint to Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) through their online portal (also available) as well as Secretary Health (Annexure C) where I provided complete information regarding references to receipts and medicines including Batch Number. I had also launched a written complain to Drug Inspector Zakir Soomro (+92 300 3028075 – his office/drug depot is near Jinnah Hospital) but no action has taken by him and apparently the matter was closed under the table
4. I had also received various calls from MediCenter Pharmacy when I raised the issue on Social Media to take back my complaint and settle the issue somehow.
5. It is to humbly request you to kindly take serious action against the pharmacy as this poses a serious health risk for all patients. As per DRAP rules selling expired medicines is a punishable offence with imprisonment up to five (5) years and with fine up to five hundred thousand rupees.
6. I would be highly obliged if necessary action is taken as soon as possible.

1 thought on “MediCenter / Sale of Expired Medicine”

  1. Assalamu alikum
    It is important to point out that I bought a medicine eye drop from Saleh Pharmacy Melody Islamabad which was expired but they sold me and when I was using the same I found it was expired. It is pity that they selling the expired product to consumers but none is there to stop them from song this illegal act

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