Kohat Terminal Reviews & Complaints
By: Mr. Faisal
Contact information:
Kohat Terminal
Assalam O Alekum,
I am a frequent commuter and have been travelling via DAEWOO every week ( peshawar to dikhan and vice versa ), over the last 10 years or soiles card 32042243 may please be referred to for verification and other tickiting history. I am terribly disppointed to explain that my reservation (seat no 03, and seat no 04), has been erased by Kohat terminal today whilst I am scheduled to travel tomorrow ( 02: 30 ) psw to dikhan. This is totally against the ethics and discipline daewoo is famous for. What they have done is that they have issued ticket against my seat number 03 and have left seat 04 for me. This has now become a common practice by kohat terminal to favour and oblige somebody they cancel other reservations. Now , will daewoo explain how two people will sit on a single seat.?????? I have had two reservations (03 n 04) and now I only have 04… Time for daewoo to do some explaining please…
Faisal Abbas