Jazz Cash Reviews & Complaints
By: Joseph Masih
Contact information:
Jazz Cash
Dear Sir/ Mam,
Aoa. It is respectfully submitted that My name is Joseph Masih and i own the jazzcash account against the number 03037061752 and i had used it frequently for several years without any problem. But recently i received a sum 30,000 rs in two successive transactions on 30 May 2021 from acount No. 03249792676 of Nasreen Mushtaq from Toba Taik Singh, TID Nos are 019725934641 and 019726177399.
But before i could withdraw the said amount, my account was suspended for reasons unknown to me on the following day on 31 May 2021. I’ve tried my best through complaints on Mobilink microfinance bank and on help lines 4444 but of no use even after 30 days.
It is humbly requsted that my account be restored, so that I can withdraw my badly needed amount.
Yours faithfully,
Joseph Masih
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* Go to page
* Write Jazz Cash in company name section and write your complaint in detail
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* Get refund / replacement / damages from Jazz Cash.