Fazal Din pharmacy Pasrur Branch near ketchery Reviews & Complaints
By: Ahmed Sultan
Contact information:
Fazal Din pharmacy Pasrur Branch near ketchery pasrur
Respected Concerns,
On 12-07-22 i visted Fazal din pharmacy pasrur branch near kechery to purchase insulin named novomix 30 and staff said its out of stock and they oftenly said this in habitual and i said please have more this in your stock but after saying this all the staff become rude and become hyper saying to me that i am mad and whatso ever this pathetic behave leaves bad impression on me we have a big family and we already discountinued purchasing medicine from the branch already due to their un professional behaviour kindly take a visit to the branch with officals and investigate voulenterily their rude and curel behaviour with customers.
How to file a complaint against Fazal Din pharmacy Pasrur Branch near ketchery?
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* Write Fazal Din pharmacy Pasrur Branch near ketchery in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Fazal Din pharmacy Pasrur Branch near ketchery.