Easy paisa app Reviews & Complaints
By: Iftikhar Ahmad
Contact information:
Easy paisa app Pakistan
Dear concern!
I haven deposited amount in my easy paisa account. Just now I received the following message;
(Dear Customer, Thank you for paying with Easypaisa. You have paid PKR 199.00 for Order ID: 21086846 to Pi Pakistan Pvt Ltd against Transaction ID: 15694317879)
Which means they have deducted an amount of Rs. 199 without my permission.
It is kindly request to pay back my money ither Wise I habe legal right to ask for my money at the court 🤬
How to file a complaint against Easy paisa app?
* Go to page
* Write Easy paisa app in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Easy paisa app.