Carrefour Luckyone Mall / Poor Customer Services

Carrefour Luckyone Mall Reviews & Complaints

By: Bilal Khan

Contact information:
Carrefour Luckyone Mall Karachi

Dear Sir:

It was a very unpleasent experience for me and my family when we visited the carrefour at Lucky one this weekend both on Saturday May 20th & Sunday May 21st 2023. First of all most of your sales staff at various iles were busy hoarding up the crockery items that were put on sale of 50 % for the customers. They were all collecting it eiher for themselves or their relatives and hiding them under other shelves & counters specially in the female clothing section.
The floor managers were busy with their looks having no time for inspection or sloving complaints of the customers. they had no idea of whats goin on and did not even bother to check on their staff activities.
The most agonizing part was Carrefour has many cash counters i guess there are 10-12 but only 06 of them were working on a busy weekend with the store offering 50 % discounts. I personally had to wait more than 1 hour on both days just to pay for the items that i had bought. I saw so many people leaving their trollies full of groceries & other stuff just beacuse they waited but the lines were never ending. Weekends are the times when such mega stores see the maximum volume of customers, how can you close cash counters on weekends. To top it of there was a lady asking customers about their shopping exeperince but could not do anything just noted names & contact info to do her job.

Being a frequent traveller i have shpped at carrefour in the middle east many times. Let it be EID or Christmas stores having amazing discounts you will never see empty counters as they give prority to paying customers and extend their help , services where required. Store managers have solutions to problems, staff are trained and are available at their stations for customer assistance.

I am sure my observation will not go unnoticed and something good will comeout of it.

In case you need any more details do let me know.

Thank you

Muhammad Bilal Khan


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1 thought on “Carrefour Luckyone Mall / Poor Customer Services”

  1. Salam, dear nothing will change as they are habitual for this kind of poor service, the whole management is involved in frauduster & unofficial behaviour. GM had his own group, other managers had also there own groups & all staff flirting with each other, there employees are more focusing on making tiktoks in uniforms. so how did you assume that they will change there behaviour ?

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