Habib bank limited Reviews & Complaints
By: Zaheer Abbas
Contact information:
Habib bank limited
I transferred money on july 6th 2022 from my HBL account to faysal bank roshan digital account(RDA) without knowing the fact that interbank deposit in RDA account was not possible.I knew about this fact after calling to the beneficiary bank .I registered complains to HBL via email and calling to customer service. After 14 days I got response from HBL that the money has been transferred to beneficiary account despite the fact that RDA accounts do not accept interbank deposit.I registered complains multiple times with details but I am getting same response .I am very surprised by the proficiency and efficiency of complain and resolution team of HBL.I found the HBL staff very unprofessional and inefficient even most of the complain branch staff do not know the basics of many issues.To my surprise i faced same issue with other bank but they solved my issue within 7 working days but with HBL this issue is still unresovled even after 45 days.
How to file a complaint against Habib bank limited?
* Go to page
* Write Habib bank limited in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Habib bank limited.