HBL ATM / Change mobile number

HBL ATM Reviews & Complaints

By: Shah Muhammad
Posted on: 21/12/2016

Contact information:

Changed mobile number
Respected Sir,
My ATM card expired and my already given number 03336735106,blocked and I put application on 14/12/2016 for Change number for change number but til now my number not changed against my account#04837900577103,
My new number 03335500514

20 thoughts on “HBL ATM / Change mobile number”

  1. I want to change my mobile no. That is written in account form
    My account no. Is
    Kindly guide me

  2. Sir I want to change my number
    My old number 0346-0430833
    New number 0331-4771529
    Please activate this number

    1. Sir my old nmber is blocked
      Plz changed my mobile number
      My old nmber 03466241888
      My new number 03423800051

    2. Sir i want to change my number
      my old number 03085325556
      my new number 03085325563.
      please activate this number

  3. Zeeshan Riaz

    Sir i want to change my old number register with hbl account… Recently my number has blocked..
    Ac no 17827901513003
    My old hbl number 03438953467
    New one 03185050137

    1. Ansar Mumtaz Hussain

      Dear Sir My Old Number Block And Apply For New Mobile Number
      My Old Number 03045474221
      My New Number 03090400617

  4. Wisam S/O abdul Raheem

    Sir Please Change My Phone number From My account the phone number Which I provided For Sms Alert. and also activate My debit card

    Now I changed My Sim Card and I Use This account in China My Debit Card Was also foreign activated now its not working
    either update me Or provide me A link By which I Can Access To Change My phone Number from Account with the help of internet

    1. Hi
      Sir please to change my number of mobile because I out of cuntery and my debit card is finsh and I want to apply far new debit card that was i need to change my number because my old number not working now my number 03488863584 to add my account thank sir

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