Misplaced phone on careem ride Reviews & Complaints
By: Summaiya Air
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Misplaced phone on careem ride
I booked a ride on saturday at around 8 PM and my dropoff at gulshan-e-millat , while riding i took off my phone from my bag and placed on my back seat after that drier droped me at my place and i forgot to pick my fone from seat . after 15 minutes i checked my phone , i called but it was switched off . please track the driver for my phone lost . My booking number was 03312742255
How to file a complaint against Misplaced phone on careem ride?
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* Write Misplaced phone on careem ride in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Misplaced phone on careem ride.